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Home sweet home


Home Sweet Home

01 jan.jpg

James and the stars

One night, the villagers realized that the stars had gotten so dirty that they did not glow anymore! Some of the smaller kids even started crying because they thought the stars had disappeared.

James had a plan. He grabbed a bunch of cleaning supplies, hopped onto his hot air balloon, and floated off into the night sky. He scrubbed the stars with soap, while Mr. Elephant rinsed them off. Then Mr. and Mrs. Mouse dried, waxed and polished the stars until they were bright and shiny again! The villagers rejoiced and the children danced! 

After that, James and his crew decided to travel around the world in their  hot air balloon, cleaning all the stars to keep them glowing and to keep the children dancing.


在一個寧靜的晚上,村民們又在星空下聊天玩耍,但是他們發現天空裡的星星暗淡無光,有些小孩甚至開始哭了起來,因為他們以為星星都消失了! 經過一番觀察,村民們才看到原來是星星們太骯髒,塵多得蓋過了他們的光芒!



03 feb.jpg

Bobby’s mailbox

Bobby was sad because Lucy, his best friend from first grade had moved away without leaving an address. One day, he climbed to the top of a tree where they had always played together. He suddenly had an idea to build a magic mailbox that would be able to deliver cards and parcels to long lost friends. 

When Bobby grew up, he was finally able to build this magic mailbox. There were three departments in the magic mailbox. Bird Mail delivered letters overnight. Train Mail delivered oversize packages. And Snail Mail postmen, although not the fastest, delivered fragile parcels with the utmost care and attention. 

One day, Bobby found a postcard in his mailbox. “Hi Bobby, I missed you too. Love, Lucy” it said. Bobby smiled as he made plans to travel to Lucy’s home. And there they lived happily ever after.



波比長大後,用心硏究, 終於成功硏製出一個神奇郵筒,沒有寫下地址的郵件也能透過郵筒寄出。郵筒裡有三個部門和主管,鳥先生負責輕型信件,能於一天之內送到。獅子先生負責大大小小的郵件和特大郵包。蝸牛先生,雖然不是最快的,卻是最好的郵差, 他會無微不至的關懷郵件,最脆弱易碎的郵包也不會有絲毫損毀。


05 march.jpg

Cupcake Village

Cupcake Village is a very curious village. Every evening, beautiful star-shaped snow falls lightly all over the village. This “snow” is actually icing sugar! When it falls, everyone comes out with their pots and pans to collect this delicious sugar. When the sun comes up the next morning, the sugar melts and evaporates, so the bakers have to remember to collect it every day. This  amazing sugar is the most important ingredient in their desserts because it makes everything they bake delicious!


杯子蛋糕村是遠方一條神祕的村落。每天黃昏後,當夜空開始甦醒,就會有很多很小很小的白色星星像雪般輕輕飄散。村子裡每一個人都會雀躍的走出來用碗用鍋來收集這些美麗的雪,因為這些雪其實是全世界最美味的星形糖粉!!  當太陽再次升起的時候,糖粉就會融掉、蒸發,所以村民們都會記得要每天去收集。這些神祕的糖粉令村民們所焗的每一款蛋糕、批和餡餅都異常美味,而且甜甜的香味還會飄散到很遠很遠的地方!

07 april.jpg

Smelly boot

Once upon a time, there was a giant who never learned to tie his shoelaces. Because of that, he lost one of his boots in a field. A few days later, a family of elves found the abandoned boot and thought that it would make a great new house for them. The only problem was, it smelled of stinky feet! The elves had an idea. They started to grow all kinds of sweet smelling flowers inside the boot to get rid of the smell. A week later, they also started baking pies. Soon the most wonderful smells filled the boot and their new home.

One day, the giant passed by and was surprised to see his lost boot put to such great use. He stopped to say hi, and Papa Elf gave him a fresh apple pie. It tasted great! (although it was a bit small)



有一天,巨人經過草地,驚訝他的靴子竟然成為一個香噴噴的家,他向精靈們打招呼,精靈爸爸送他一個新鮮的蘋果派。味道太棒了! (雖然是很小很小的一個派)

09 may.jpg

Teapot penguins

The world’s smallest penguins used to live in the cold, cold north pole. But they were always shivering from the cold, and they hated the fishy taste of seafood. One day, they saw a big, white teapot floating in the ocean. They climbed in, and after drifting for a week, they found themselves in a warm country. Hot, delicious, brown, liquid flowed into the pot. It was TEA!

The teapot penguins now live in tea, soak in tea, drink tea, swim in tea and eat biscuits in tea. They dedicate their lives to finding the best tea and biscuit combination in the world. And they have never moved back to the north pole! 




11 june.jpg

The forest inside the whale

Once there was a whale who inhaled a seed through his blowhole by mistake. The seed sprouted, and soon a small tree started growing in the whale’s belly. The small tree became a big tree. Then more and more trees grew, until there was a whole forest in the whale’s tummy! 

When the other sea creatures heard of this fascinating underwater forest, they all swam inside the whale to check it out. Some fish ate the fruit off the trees and others hid in the leaves. This tickled the whale, and he gave a deep chuckle, then swished his tail in delight - creating huge waves across the ocean!



當其他海洋生物聽說有這個水底森林,都紛紛游進去遊覽! 有些魚吃了樹上掉下來的水果,有些藏在樹木之間嬉戲,這些活動令鯨魚覺得很搔很癢,他不禁咯咯聲笑,輕輕地擺動了一下尾巴 - 海面上翻起了一個巨浪!

13 july.jpg

The secret of the Milk Carton dessert store

Timmy and Jimmy work in the world famous Milk Carton dessert store. Every day, hundreds of animals line up outside the milk carton to buy ice cream and candies. But how does the Milk Carton get their ice cream so creamy and their candy so fabulously sweet?

The secret is in their all-natural ingredients. Every day, Timmy and Jimmy carry buckets of fresh milk from the Milk River. Then they collect chunks of raw chocolate from the Chocolate Mountains. And finally, they gather seven different colors of natural sugars from the Sugar Rainbow. Each of the seven sugars have a distinctly different kind of sweetness. 

After gathering all the ingredients, Timmy and Jimmy experiment with the flavors - mixing, melting and churning in their lab. To this day, they have created more than 7,451 ice cream flavors!



其實秘密就在於他們的全天然材料! 每天,添美和吉美都會攜帶大桶到牛奶河提取最新鮮的牛奶。然後,他們爬上巧克力山收集大塊的巧克力原料。最後,他們會到甜彩虹收集七種不同顏色的天然糖粒。每一種顏色都有不同的甜度和獨特的風味。

收集完所有材料,添美和吉美會在牛奶盒甜品店內創作不同的口味 - 他們會在實驗室裡將不同的 元素混合、溶化、攪動直至調出可口的味道。時至今日,他們已經創造了超過7,451種雪糕口味!

15 aug.jpg

Jill and Jack

Jill was a glove maker and she lived in a glove that was handed down to her from her great, great, great grandfather. One day, the biggest storm of the summer tore all five fingertips of her glove house! Water flooded in and everything was a mess! 

Just as she was wondering what to do, Jack from next door ran over. Jack was a hat maker who lived in a big, red top hat. He had a brilliant plan. He quickly snatched a few of his best waterproof hats, and placed them on top of the torn fingertips. The glove stopped leaking immediately - saving Jill and the old glove house! A dripping wet Jill swam out of the house to thank Jack, and they soon became the best of friends.


吉爾是一個手套工匠,她住在一間世代相傳的手套屋,聽說是由她的祖父的祖父的祖父傳下來的!有一天,最強的夏季風暴突然來到這個寧靜的小鎮,強烈季後風撕裂了手套屋的五個指尖!雨水不停湧入來, 淹沒了所有東西,一切都很混亂,成了一個爛攤子!


17 sept.jpg

The story of Princess Buttercup

Princess Buttercup lived in a storybook with a prince, a dragon, a giant and some bunnies. It was a boring, predictable story... and she was tired of it. One day, a gust of wind blew the book off the top shelf and it tumbled to the ground! All the characters fell out of the book. 

They clambered onto the book as a flock of birds flew in the window, picked it up, and flew off in the sky! The storybook characters had no idea were they were going, but they trembled with excitement. This was the beginning of a REAL adventure…



正當他們爬回書上, 剛好一群鳥飛入了房間,把童話書撿了起來,並且再一次飛出窗口,向天空出發!童話人物不知道他們會往那裡去,但他們很興奮地期待著。因為現在才是真正冒險的開始! 

19 oct.jpg

The pumpkin band

The pumpkin band is a mysterious and fascinating group of animals. They travel in a pumpkin caravan during the day. At night, they stop and play music (a mix between gypsy jazz and country) to whatever animals that will stop and listen. This is when the magic of their music begins. Whenever they play, the leaves of plants start swaying, and then they start growing… and growing and growing! 

One night, the band stopped to play at a pumpkin and carrot patch. Overnight, the little baseball-sized pumpkins grew to the size of hippos! The pumpkin farmer tried to thank them in the morning, but the mysterious band had already gone on their way to the next town - where they would help more farmers in need.




21 snake.jpg

The hibernating snake

On a freezing cold winter's day, some forest animals were stranded in a snowstorm. As it got colder and darker, they stumbled upon a hibernating snake, sleeping with his mouth wide open! They were a bit scared, but it looked so warm and toasty inside the snake’s tummy. Nervously, they decided to crawl inside... and there they stayed for the whole winter!

The snake DID wake up once in December, but he pretended to sleep, and he didn’t digest them. When spring finally came, all the animals climbed out and they repaid the kind snake by leaving him some fresh baked cookies.


在嚴冬裡的某一天,森林裡有些小動物被困在暴風雪中,找不到回家的路。天氣變得愈來愈冷,天色亦愈來愈昏暗,他們突然發現了一條正在冬眠的蛇,而且那蛇睡覺睡到嘴巴張得大大的!小動物們都有點害怕,但看進去是那麼溫暖和舒適。懷著不安的心, 小動物們最後還是決定爬進去他的肚子裡面......在那裡,小動物們住了整個冬天呢!

蛇其實是有醒過來一次的(在12月),但他假裝睡覺,他沒有真的吃掉小動物們。當春天終於來的時候,所有動物都從蛇的肚子爬了出來,為了報答蛇, 動物們留了一些新鮮出爐的曲奇餅在他的肚子裡面。

23 dec.jpg

The elves who borrows books

The Mushroom Elves love two things: stars and stories. The elves sleep during the day, but when night falls and the first star appears in the sky, they wake up and read by starlight, on top of their mushroom house. Their mushroom house is full of the world’s most amazing storybooks.

But where do they get all these storybooks? This is where the fun begins. When the young elves are old enough, Papa Elf takes them into the city to steal stories. After the human grown-ups have finished reading bedtime stories to their children, the elves climb in through the window to check whether the human children are having good dreams or nightmares. If they are having good dreams, the elves will “borrow” the storybook by their bedside. To thank the humans, they always leave a jar of starlight under their pillow with a note saying: sweet dreams!





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