Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

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(123) 555-6789


You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.
Link to read me page with more information.


Hong Kong shipping:

  • We ship 1-3 days after receiving your order. You will receive an email once we ship.

  • SF Express: 1-2 business days (with tracking)
    Hong Kong post: 3-4 business days (no tracking)

Overseas shipping:

  • Shipping cost is calculated by weight.
    To check the shipping cost for your order:
    Add items to your shopping cart. At check out, select your country, and the shipping cost will show up before you pay.

  • 運費按重量計算。
    將商品加入購物車。 結帳時,選擇你想寄去的國家。運費將在你付款前顯示。

Scroll to the bottom to see approximate shipping times and costs.

Surface mail / regular air mail:
No tracking available. We will not be able to track or find any missing order.

Registered air mail / E-express / Vantage:
Tracking available. You can track your order at the HK post website here:

Click on the pull-down menu HERE to see if we can ship to your country.

Please email us at if you do not find your country when you check out.