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How joanne draw pictures


How does Joanne draw pictures?

Pencil sketch 鉛筆稿

Pencil sketch 鉛筆稿

Trying out some colour 試些顏色

Trying out some colour 試些顏色

Refining it in illustrator 在AI裡再弄好一點

Refining it in illustrator 在AI裡再弄好一點

Testing different markers on different kinds of paper在不同的紙上試色

Testing different markers on different kinds of paper在不同的紙上試色

Smooth paper 滑的紙

Smooth paper 滑的紙

Textured paper 有紋的紙

Textured paper 有紋的紙

Trying different brush strokes 試試不同的筆觸

Trying different brush strokes 試試不同的筆觸

Some photoshopping 在電腦裡再弄好一點

Some photoshopping 在電腦裡再弄好一點

Final picture 完成品!

Final picture 完成品!