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Blankets original drawing 毛毯原畫

Original drawings

Blankets original drawing 毛毯原畫

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Blankets original drawing 毛毯原畫


Original drawing in color pencil
Includes wood frame
Size inside : 28.5 x 38 cm, Outside : 41.5 x51 cm
Paper : Modigliani, a heavy weight (260gsm) cream white, textured paper made in Italy
Blank at the back

Idea :
Keep calm & cover yourself with lots of blankets

Sometimes I suddenly feel worried, like something horrible is going to happen! When this happens, you can try turning on the air conditioning, and then crawling under lots of blankets!

Apart from feeling the warmth and weight of the blankets, they also hold you like a cocoon, calming your heart.

When there’s a storm outside, I like to remember when I was a kid, surrounded by stuffed animals and blankets. A gentle voice would say to me: good night, sleep tight, and sweet dreams...


尺寸:內框:28.5 x 38 cm, 外框 :41.5 x51 cm
紙: 260 gsm, Modigliani, 意大利出品

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