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We are all travellers


We are all travellers

We might not travel from city to city, country to country, or planet to planet... But we all travel from day to day, year to year, and from moment to moment...

We are all travellers - travelling through the passage of time.






I think it’s cool that life is divided into days. Even if you had the worst day ever, it’ll eventually end. And at the end of that super bad day, you go to sleep, get up, and it’s another new day. God came up with a really good system for dividing up time.




Friends are magical because they make hard things less hard, boring things less boring, and fun things more fun! Travelling in rain is annoying. But when friends are around, rain is a game!

不論做什麼事,有朋友一起做,困難的事沒有那麼難、沉悶的事沒有那麼悶、快樂的事卻變得更快樂! 同一條路,有朋友在身邊,重擔可以一起分,下雨都顯得更有趣,一起笑,笑聲會更大!



Every day I get up and tell myself, “I will step in poop today.” When I know for sure something’s going to happen, I stop worrying about it, and do the best I can. And when that poop comes along, I just wipe it off and continue on my way.

If I woke up every day telling myself that I would find treasure, I would soon be too disappointed to do anything.

每天起床也要有告訴自己 “我今天會踩到大便”。當你知道它一定會發生,就不用擔心,可以勇往直前,想去哪裡就去哪裡。當真的踩到大便的時候,擦一擦,又可以繼續走! (相反如果每天盼望找到寶藏,很快就會灰心,走不動了)


Little things

Life is made up of a few big things, like birthdays and holidays. But life is mainly made up of many of little things. And celebrating the little things help us appreciate the world around us. Just look around! Watch a baby plant push its way through the ground… And celebrate!




I feel like I’ve never had the vision and the determination to set long term goals. So I resort to taking one step at a time. When I look back, though, I see a clear path of the way I’ve travelled. That means I don’t see the path ahead of me, but I see the path behind me… which is kind of cool!




Just because you’re busy, doesn’t mean you’re getting stuff done. Sometimes we just need to stop. And do nothing. Only then can we listen to the sounds of our heart, discover something new, and then restart.




The man in black is doing his math and counting the stars, trying hard to look into the future. But a flock of birds fly by and they block his view. He is scared stiff, not knowing what lies lurking in the future.

The guy in white doesn’t know what lies ahead either. It might be a rabbit. It might be a lion. Who knows? Not knowing is what makes the journey worthwhile!




If there was a train that travelled to the past, would you get on it? And at which point would you get off?

Sometimes I wonder what I would do different if I went into the past and relived my life. Would I choose to make the same mistakes? And would I be the same person if those mistakes were deleted from my life?

Whatever your answer, we are all travellers, travelling forward. Mistakes become experiences, and experiences become lessons to learn. Lessons then become memories that we can be thankful for.

關於過去,有時候我會想,如果可以再來一次,我會怎樣做?會造了一個不一樣的現在,還是會一模一樣、重覆犯錯?如果真的改變了什麼,會否又失去了現在擁有的某些很珍貴的東西? 如果真的能坐上一列回到過去的火車,你希望看到什麼? 我們都是旅人,一直在向前行,一步一步的,不管你願不願意。看過的風景,沒有失去,看過的風景,都留在心裡。 但願那些回憶,變成珍惜。



Sometimes I look around and discover that all my friends are doctors, lawyers, teachers or parents and I think how amazing they are.

But then I look at myself, and think, “I’m pretty amazing too.” It’s just that I’ve taken a different path.




If you’ve ever travelled, you’ll know that every time you get lost, you’ll end up seeing something totally unpredictable!

In the same way, getting lost in life just might lead to new adventures. You’ll discover new interests, opportunities and things about yourself you never knew!

在旅行迷路的時候,可能會看到意想不到的風景。 在人生的道路上迷失,其實也是一個探索旅程的開始,可以再次了解自己、認識自己、發掘自己的可能性,這個旅程也可能是新奇刺激的、是另外一場冒險!



One time I went cycling with my friends. I looked up and saw the sky and the trees right there in my face. It was amazing. I used my eyes as cameras and saved that image into my brain.

Another time I was going home late at night and it was pitch black outside. It was like I was enveloped in total darkness, but in a safe, peaceful kind of way.

I also remember my first year of college, the sky gray and wet, yellow leaves plastered to the pavement. But I was so excited.. about everything!!

I have a bunch of these moments that I keep in my brain and sometimes I take them out and think about them.


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The moment

Beautiful moments don’t happen often… Like when the warm glow of a sunset spills over your feet, or when a cool breeze blows through the trees, or when you look up and see a sky full of stars….When will the next magical moment happen?

Here’s an idea. Instead of waiting, create your own magical moment! Get a cake, some fresh baked bread, a stack of pancakes, a basket full of strawberries, a jar of jam, a wagon full of stars and your best friends. Put on some music, make some hot chocolate, and you’ve got your magical moment right there!

有時候會出現像電影般,一些美得不真實的時刻。有時候是接近黃昏,暖暖的陽光傾倒、太陽接近地平線的那幾分鐘。有時候是寧靜的星空,有時候是微涼的清晨,重要的是你的心情、場景、人物。下一個夢幻時刻,要等待多久呢? 其實我們也不一定要等,我們可以一起準備吧!一個蛋糕、一些新鮮的麵包、香甜鬆餅、幾顆草莓,還有果醬、相識多年的朋友、輕快的音樂、很多很多星星,大家一起喝熱巧古力,那一定是個溫暖的時刻!


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